Tina Zhelyazova – Tina Zhelyazova – GWENDYDD Solar Artists

Tina Zhelyazova is a guitarist from Bulgaria who began playing the guitar in 2017. By the end of 2019, she had joined her first band, Gwendydd. The group quickly rose to prominence in the local music scene, distinguished as a formidable force in the female-dominated extreme metal genre.

Since their formation, Gwendydd has achieved significant milestones, including the release of two studio albums. They have also signed a contract with the German metal label Drakkar Entertainment. The band has performed extensively across Europe, sharing the stage with well-known acts such as Ensiferum, Dark Tranquillity, and others. Their growing influence in the metal community has been recognized with features in prestigious magazines like ROCK HARD and Metal Hammer.

At present, Tina and her fellow band members are dedicated to creating their third studio album, continuing their journey in the metal music world.


The true beauty of music is that it connects people.

Tina Zhelyazova – Tina Zhelyazova – GWENDYDD On social media
